Good afternoon, BB Lovers! Nominations are today! If you missed GM's talk up in HoH with Elissa, it's a must read, and it's at the end of the Friday Morning.. Some day, in another lifetime, Gm may find a light source strong enough to guide her out from the depths of Elissa's colon. If this is your 1st time on BBDish today, and you missed the late night craziness, check out The Overnight Report.OK.. Let's rejoin our Hgs on the live feeds..12:35pmCamera 3 and 4Elissa and AarynHoH RoomAaryn: If you kept me safe this week, I would keep you safe as long as I possibly could. I wanna be here so bad, Elissa.

Elissa: I know. Every single thing I have, I've worked for. I deserve to be here.Aaryn: I know you do, and I know that if you and I were in the final 2, you would win. If you put me up, I understand. I'll vote the way you want..Elissa: The only way I can see that is if you took yourself off the block.. and then we can work to rebuild.. You sent a person home that wasn't only my ally but who wasn't coming after you.Aaryn: She wasn't even my target. I made a mistake. If I get HoH's from here on out, I would not nominate you, until there was no one else.Elissa: So what if I put a bigger target next to you?Aaryn: I feel like Amanda or McCrae are up next to me, I will definitely go home. If I'm not on the block, I will not nominate you.Elissa: So you're saying if I do put you up, then I'm gonna be your target.Aaryn: No, that's not what I'm saying..12:40pm Fishies, briefly.Aaryn: You were not my target. If Amanda's lying to you, then she's lying to me and everyone else.Elissa: I feel like I have credibility, where as all you've ever done is target me.Aaryn: I have so many people telling me that you've been targeting me..Elissa: You're not my target. I don't feel like you're threatening to me. I want to have fun in this game. Every time you've ever nominated me, I shake my head. I feel like you're giving Amanda the game.Aaryn: Well if you feel that Amanda..Elissa: I can beat Amanda all day every day in any comp.Aaryn: Elissa, any deal you ask of me, I will do, if I don't go up.Elissa: I'll consider it, but even if you do go up.. You should play the game for you. If you do stay.Aaryn: Yeah.. Every single person in this house said you were the target for this week. I know you're upset with me, but there are other people you can go after too.Elissa: I feel like if you're here next week, you should stay to that. I think that would be a good move for you.Aaryn: If I don't go up on the block, then you have my loyalty.Elissa: I've been saying that for weeks.Aaryn: I've just had so many people in my ears.. If you can't take that deal right now, then maybe we can reconvene later.Continued below the jump..12:48pmCam 3 and 4Andy comes up for his turn in HoH with Elissa.. With their shared Helen bond, this is a very different conversation.

Andy: I feel like we're sitting ducks unless we work together.Elissa: We're all sitting ducks, except for 2 people.. Aaryn has to go this week.Andy: You know where I lie..Elissa: I feel like we need each other. Andy: I'm gonna play dumb.Elissa; You're a smart guy. Stay away from them. I think you're a joke to them. We all are.They wrap it up and head downstairs.12:57pmCam 3

Andy: Oop! The Nominations Today think is up.Elissa: I know.1:06pmCam 3 and 4KitchenAaryn; That's weird. Why is outside locked down?Andy: I don't know..**hmmm1:10pmcam 3Rainbow RoomGm and AarynGm: I have your back to the end. You know that.1:23pmCam 3Judd and Elissa are bonding and laughing more in the kitchen.. Chatting about the girls in jury, how nice the jury house is..

Judd: As soon as Helen fell, she's all, Peace out. Happy as hell.Elissa: See you, guys! She's so funny.Meanwhile in the cockpit..1:24pmSpencer and AndyAndy: I also talked to Ginamarie and she's like.. (fishies)Spencer: It was like entering the f'ing house of horrors.Andy: So weird.. Like ok, do some yoga for us.Spencer: That was by far the most awkward one.. And her husband? "He's so sexy." He looks like Mr Bean.Andy: I think her son is not her husband's. I'm so happy you're here. I would go f'in crazy.1:29pmcam 3 and 4HoH - McCrae's TurnMcCrae: What'd GM say? Aaryn controls her.Elissa: She thinks so.

McCrae: I just think that putting me up against her gives her too much of an opportunity to come off... She wont pick anyone but GM.. Gm's gonna tell you whatver you want to hear.Elissa: I want to work with you, but I know I've been a target for you and Amanda too.McCrae: Aaryn wanted you out so badly.. We've been with you. We want you here. Amanda would take you over me, and I would take you over Amanda..Elissa: If I win the Veto, I would take you off in a second.We did this dance late last night. I'll let you knowElissa: Who do you think would be good to nominate?McCrae; GM, because they're so closely allied. And if GM wins it, put me up. Even if I don't get to play, I still have better odds. If you put them both up right away, you can tell her she's just a pawn..

Elissa: You guys risked me every week.McCrae: No. We wanted you here. The only way we could make sure you stayed was if she put you up against Helen.. so we could convince people Helen's more dangerous. The only way you stayed was if you went up against a strong ass person like Helen,Elissa: So did Andy say he wanted me to go home?McCrae: No. Me, Amanda and Andy were working on your behalf. (paraphrasing) It hurt him to do it, but Helen was too much of a wild card.Elissa: You have Amanda, Judd, Ginamarie.. and Spencer owes you.McCrae: He doesn't owe me anything. He wants to break me and Amanda up. Elissa: I don't think so. Nobody in the house wants you gone. McCrae, I'm putting you up against Aaryn. **Umm.. BB.. Rules? A warning even?McCrae: Those 2 wanted you gone so bad.. Those 2 wanted you out so bad. You have to ensure that they can't work together, and the way to do that is by putting them up together.Elissa: I just have way more confidence in you winning Veto.McCrae: I just think you're giving her a way better chance to come off the block, if you put me against her, and not one of her allies.. If you want her gone so bad, this isn't the way to go about it. Elissa: I don't want one of those 2 to go home, I want the 1 to go home.1:46pm This is ongoing.. (**i need to reboot)2:03pmStorage RoomAndy and SpencerSpencer: I think this is a way to work a deal with her.. Get out Amanda.Andy: Gah, i don't wanna be picked to play in this. I was telling McCrae.. If I take 10 grand and she puts me up for not playing hard enough? To her 10 grand is nothing. To me, it's everything. Andy: I'm gonna go take a shower.. or a nap..Spencer: Me too.2:10pmChair RoomCamera 1 and 2Amanda and McCrae, Spencer is present.McCrae: I went and talked to her..Amanda: What'd she say?McCrae: Samo Samo..Andy enters.Andy: If we have a HHN comp now, after I've gotten in my mind that we're not, I'm gonna have a meltdown.Chatter ensues..**2:18pm -- I'm not positive, because of the backyard being locked down, which makes me nervous, but this is looking like a good time for me to sneak a little bloggy break, hop on my bike, and shake off the BB Brainmelt. Please mind the critters for me? I'll be back..This post will be updated throughout the BB afternoon. Please refresh periodically for new info.

Friday Afternoon Before Nominations Images
Friday Afternoon before Nominations « Reality TV Chatter
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... Gotta Have it!: Big Brother 12: Friday Afternoon - Before Nominations
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BBDish! Ya Gotta Have it!: Friday Afternoon Before Nominations
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BBDish! Ya Gotta Have it!: Friday Afternoon Before Nominations
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