Guards take action after a fight on a Transperth train. The brawl was recorded and uploaded to Facebook but has since been deleted. Picture: Facebook Source: PerthNow
Guards take action after a fight on a Transperth train. The brawl was recorded and uploaded to Facebook but has since been deleted. Picture: Facebook Source: PerthNow
TRANSIT officers have been praised for their quick reflexes in breaking up a brawl on a Perth train that was caught on video and uploaded to Facebook last night.
In the brawl, two teenagers throw a series of punches in a fight which throws them across seats of the train.
It takes just seconds for transit security to come and break up the fight, where at one point an officer has to hold a teenager to the ground with his knee.
When the boys stop fighting they yell a series of insults at each other, where at one point one of the boys claims he has a gun.
The video was posted at 5.40pm and within 30 minutes had generated more than 400 likes and nearly 50 comments.
Commenters voiced their disgust at the brawl, with one person saying they were shocked someone would have a gun in Perth.
“That's the reason why I don't use public transport,” Ryan Jansen said.
“Never know whats gunna (sic) happen on transperth,” Patrick Crawley commented.Opposition transport minister Ken Travers said he praised the work of the transit officers, who have “a tough job to do.”
“If you’re out there every night dealing with these disorderly people, you’ve got to be the line between acting quickly and using force,” he said.
“There is violence on our trains unfortunately, and that’s one of the reasons I always have absolute praise for them.
“There’s no doubt if we have enough transit officers and if they’re on the right trains at the right time they do act as a good deterrent.”
The WA Public Transport Authority said there had been no reported incidents on Perth trains yesterday.
Transport Minister Troy Buswell has been contacted for comment.
The video has since been deleted.
Rapid action breaks up train fight - Perth Now Images
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